Saturday, June 13, 2009

Mud Butt the Mud Hut

There was a dinner party, and during a toast the guests requested information for me to bring back after I finish in Africa.

1. Draw the biggest bug (or dick) that I see.
2. Dinosaurs- true or false?
3. Find and buy PJ the most interesting mask in Uganda.
4. When a fly lands on someone is that really a blessing?
5. What's the deal about female circumcision? Find out from someone who really knows.
6. Learn how to make my favorite dish for the return dinner party.
7. Is Brendan Fraiser still making the Mummy movie?
8. What is the pipe/water situation like?
9. Learn to sing a song (and a lullaby) in the native tongue.

Of course this is a lot to learn in three weeks.

Tonight was wonderful. Knowing who you're going to miss makes the idea of leaving harder.

See you later.

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